Yesterday, I posted a trick that lets you bring the old profile layout back using the old version of Internet Explorer browser. If you have used Facebook Timeline feature, you may know that there are two columns on the Timeline page showing events and status updates with a line down the middle representing a passage of time.
Facebook users have never had two column stream/wall view before and maybe, that’s the reason two column Timeline is given thumbs down by the majority. Some clever folks out there have created a script for web browser that will bring the single column layout back in Facebook profile page. It doesn’t drop the Timeline feature completely but tries to get the old layout by merging two columns of Timeline and displaying as a single column in the profile page.
Someone has come out with a script named ‘Facebook Timeline Single Column’ that will force the Timeline into a single column layout and remove the middle line that represent the passage of time. Here’s the preview how your Facebook Timeline will look like when you install the script on your browser.
Read on to learn how to use the script in Google Chrome, Firefox and other browsers.
For Mozilla Firefox Users:
Firefox users first need to install Greasemonkey add-on to use the userscript. Once you’re done installing Greasemonkey, simply go to the Single Column script page and click the ‘Install’ button at the top right of the page. It should ask for you permission to install the script. You have to grant the permission and when done, restart the browser for the changes to take effect.
For Google Chrome Users:
You are not required to install any additional extension to use the Single Column script. Just head over to this page and click the install button. It installs exactly the same way as any other Chrome extension.
If you’re using Opera, Internet Explorer or Safari browser, this page has a detailed tutorial on how to run Greasemonkey script on these browsers. Check that post out and come back over here to install ‘Facebook Timeline Single Column’ script on your browser.
Do you have any other trick to bring the old profile layout back? If yes, let us know about the trick. Also, if you like this post, hit the like button in the left and share the post with your Facebook friends and let them know about the Facebook Timeline Single Column script.
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